On Saturday morning, while I had to work, Lexy had her last soccer game of the season. I hate that I missed it but Mike, Brooke and Kenzie were all there to watch and Brooke took lots of pictures for me to see what happened. Lexy was so excited that they all got a really neat medal for participating! I talked with Lexy later and she said that she wants to play soccer again so it looks like we'll be signing her up for indoor soccer in the spring.
I'll also be missing Brooke cheering at the football game on Tuesday night and she's the captian that night! But Mike said he and Lexy would go. I REALLY don't like missing things that are important to my girls!!! I keep trying to focus on the fact that me working is bringing us closer to getting our adoption homestudy. Both girls keep talking about getting a new brother or sister (or two) and are excited. Last night Lexy was watching a commercial about a train and track and told Mike and I that if we get a boy baby that she was going to give him that train...just from her! Lexy has said several times that she thinks we need two brothers (one for her and one for Brooke)...hmm sometimes kids know things before we do :-)
Saturday evening we had a pizza and movie night. We watched Horton Hears a Who with Lexy while Brooke and Kenzie worked a face painting booth for cheerleading and then we watched Clockstoppers with Brooke and Kenzie. Our little movie place in town is closing down so they are selling all their movies so we not only bought those movies but I bought a few that the girls have been wanting for Christmas. Woohoo some more Christmas shopping done!!
It must be hard to be missing their events. Don't ya hate priorities??
My new face site is:
get this....they actually answer their phone, I thought that never happened in adoption.
Sounds like you had a great weekend! How awesome to attend such an important event in the lives of your friends!!
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