Friday, May 15, 2009

Focus Friday

Focus Friday

Ellen over at Thrifty & Chic Mom has this great weekly challenge. Focus Friday is where you list a couple of small and/or large projects that you want to focus on for the week and then the next week you tell how you did at getting those projects done.

I was too busy getting things done for Brooke's party to post last week so these are from the week before!
Last weeks goals...
1.) Get things ready for Brooke's party on Friday. Buy stuff, decorate, make cake Got everything done...check it out here.
2.) Clean the playroom for Brooke's party...this is a BIG job! This one did not get done because we had guys working out in the playroom (and messing it up horribly) until after Brooke's party started...I was NOT a happy camper!
3.) Go with Lexy to her preschool field trip on Wed. (remember to pack lunch!). We had a great time! You can see pics here.

Now, This weeks goals...
1.) Clean up the very disorganized and cluttered playroom! It's even worse now!
2.) Plant my flower garden out front and get new frog pretties for it.
3.) Help Brooke and Lexy make a list of fun places we want to go this summer and things we want to do. Thursday is their last day of school!


In Everything said...

I wish I had a playroom!!! LOL... but the good thinkg about NOT having a playroom is that all the toys get cleaned up daily (when they clean their rooms)!

have fun out in the garden this week:)

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I love organizing!