Friday, September 11, 2009

Focus Friday

Celebrating Mike's birthday today but didn't want to forget this.

My goals for last week are...

1.) Take pictures and post the leftover garage sale items on Craigslist to get it out of my house and make some extra money. I've done about 1/2 of these and already sold one item!
2.) Continue to organize and walk. Walked 3 days this week.
3.) Spend some time looking for a part time job. Put in one new application.
4.) Enjoy Mike's birthday and spend quality time with my family Doing this today!

It's amazing how when I slowed down and focused on small steps I felt much better about our situation and things started happening! Feeling much more at ease and excited about things.

This weeks goals...
1.) Continue to walk/organize/post items on Craigslist.
2.) Enjoy family time...we have soccer practice, soccer game and football cheerleading this week :-)
3.) Celebrate Mike and I's 15 year anniversary.
4.) Continue to put in applications and prepare to talk with a new adoption agency.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Good luck with the agency!

Yay cheerleading!