Friday, January 15, 2010

paper pregnancy

I know I haven't been posting much and I've been thinking about why today. I'm thinking that somewhere deep down I don't want to keep posting about all the adoption stuff and then jinx it and for some reason it not happen. I've come to terms (I think) with the fact that we might not get this all done in time to be considered for the three girls (that I dream, think and talk about often) but I am excited for this journey. I think the years of doing foster care and losing several babies that in my heart I just felt were MINE have resulted in some sort of trauma that I fear the worst in the whole adoption situation. Or....

Maybe now that we have started all the paperwork to get this thing going, I'm experiencing the first trimester of my paper pregnancy...the fears, the emotions, the hormones, the weird cravings...ok so I haven't had those :-)

Either way, here's where we are...

We got the adoption packet in the mail yesterday. We have a ton of papers to fill out, health assessments to have done, fingerprinting, budgets, floor plans, reference letters to send out, etc. I started on this tonight and got a good portion filled out already :-)


Ninemire said...

What you went to sleep without finishing it ALL...
Next adoption it will be paperwork for seven not four!!!!

Anonymous said...


Good luck. Stay positive!

No Greater Gift Mom said...

Oh how I know how you feel! Keep your head up and think about the reward God has in store for you! I can't wait to see what this next year holds for your family.
We are also praying about adopting again and possibly even foster care. I need to go through your blog and glean from you. Praying...
In Him,