Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Meet Brandy...

Lexy, who has never really played with dolls, BEGGED for an American Girl doll for Christmas this year!  She started talking about it a couple months before and truthfully I thought she would lose interest and move onto something else but she proved me wrong!  She looked through the American Girl catalog about 100 times a day and chose which doll looked just like her...#23 if you're wondering (she would quiz us on this number!).  She was so very happy when she saw an American Girl bag show up under the tree and it drove her crazy that she couldn't open it early!  She did open it first on Christmas morning though!!

Lexy had been thinking of names for her doll but wanted to wait to "see what she looked like" before naming her.  The name she finally chose was "Brandy"...a mixture of Lexy and Brandon (yep he's still her "boyfriend").  Brandon's mom, Sheresa, had a good laugh when I let her know that she was a Grandma!!

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