We visited the doctor's office yesterday afternoon since Brooke was still running fever and feeling icky. The doctor put Brooke on antibiotics for an ear infection, ordered benedryl at night for the "drippage" and put in her notes that if the cough gets any worse to put Brooke on an inhaler. Oh did I forget, we also got to go to the hospital for an influenza test and chest x-rays since the doctor suspects that Brooke has pneumonia, influenza or both??!!!!
We didn't hear from the doctor last night so I'm assuming (yes I know I shouldn't do that) that the influenza test came back negative. I'll call later this afternoon to see if I can get results of the x-rays. In the meantime, Brooke has now had two doses of antibiotics and she's still running fever and sleeping all the time. Brooke doesn't get sick often but when she does, she does it BIG!
If you get a moment please say a quick prayer that Brooke gets over this quickly and that Mama doesn't get it as I have now taken care of 3 people in the past 3 weeks that have had the sickies!!!
Brooke will not like me very much for this picture when she wakes up but I couldn't resist, she always looks angelic when she's sleeping...
Hugs and prayers to Brooke!
Poor baby!
Aww, poor girl.
Awwww....Hope she is feeling better :(
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
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