As I wrote about before, Tuesday's story has touched my heart. She has touched the hearts of many including Lee over at this website. Lee has connected with some other gals to do something very special in memory of Tuesday on Saturday, February 7, 2009.
This is some of what Lee wrote...
"I read on Tuesday's blog that her family is holding a celebration of her life this Saturday and they are inviting family and friends to meet at their home to walk together in a little parade to the memorial celebration held at a local equestrian center. The family is encouraging everyone to come on bikes and in wagons because "wagie rides" were one of Tuesday's favorite things to do.
We would like to hold a virtual parade on Saturday, February 7th, for Tuesday. We want each and every one of you to stop what you're doing on Saturday and spend a little time with your kids on a bike ride or a wagon ride or a sled ride or a skateboarding cruise or a stroll in the park and to photograph it."
You can go to Lee's blog here to find out all the details. I will be joining in on the "Wagie Ride for Tuesday", won't you join too? If you don't have a blog to post on just send your picture in an e-mail to either Lee (as she wrote in her blog) or me. Lee's hope is to compile all the photos and put them on cd for Tuesday's family to have forever.
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