Friday, February 6, 2009

The sickies and Focus Friday

Boy it's amazing how quickly the stomach sickies can wipe you out! It started two nights ago with me and then Mike & Lexy both got it. Brooke is now avoiding all of us, she'll hardly even look at us for fear of getting sick. I feel like I have been run over by a semi and left for dead!

Now for something new. Ellen over at Thrifty & Chic Mom has started this great weekly challenge. Focus Friday is where you list a couple of small and/or large projects that you want to focus on for the week and then the next week you tell how you did at getting those projects done.

Focus Friday

My goals for this week are...
  • Valentine's Gifts. Get/Make Brooke & Lexy's valentines gifts. Fill gift bags & get and fill out valentine cards for Lexy's preschool class.
  • Make curtain for shelves in the entertainment center


Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

There seems to be a theme this week with Valentines. Maybe I should be doing something? Good luck!

Thrifty and Chic Mom said...

I love all the Valentine's Day projects I need to get mine going too! I hope you guys are feeling better soon, sick kids are the worst but even more so when you are sick your self. Good luck.